Hello world! The First Post

Hello world! The First Post

Welcome to (WordPress) aiwhylive.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

Like most journey, it all started with a first step. Mine, started with purchasing this domain name, aiwhylive.com.

Hello world! The First Post

Just like everybody, I want to say and the rest is history.

Speaking of history, I am a strong believer that history belongs to the rich. But whether this website will make money or not, I am happy doing what I am doing, and I will keep on doing it on a regular basis. Along the way proving my point that Artificial Intelligence or AI made wonders to my day-to-day activities as IT service provider. Stay tuned, you might learn a thing or two.

So this is my first post, an edited default, hello world post. 100% purely me, Why Live, no AI generated content, yet.

The initial plan was I will go faceless all throughout my journey but I can’t help it. So, yes, this is me after I purchased the domain name aiwhylive.com. This is me in my usual office attire at my favorite spot, nowhere else but home.

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