Hello world! The First Post

Welcome to (WordPress) aiwhylive.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!
Like most journey, it all started with a first step. Mine, started with purchasing this domain name, aiwhylive.com.

Just like everybody, I want to say and the rest is history.
Speaking of history, I am a strong believer that history belongs to the rich. But whether this website will make money or not, I am happy doing what I am doing, and I will keep on doing it on a regular basis. Along the way proving my point that Artificial Intelligence or AI made wonders to my day-to-day activities as IT service provider. Stay tuned, you might learn a thing or two.
So this is my first post, an edited default, hello world post. 100% purely me, Why Live, no AI generated content, yet.

The initial plan was I will go faceless all throughout my journey but I can’t help it. So, yes, this is me after I purchased the domain name aiwhylive.com. This is me in my usual office attire at my favorite spot, nowhere else but home.